Mary's Magic Bettas has the capacity to rehabilitate up to 9 betta rescues at any given time.



This poor girl that has been sick for a long time. She is blind in 1 eye, has fin rot, mouth rot, a swim bladder infection, and had lost her slime coat from high ammonia. She's not out of the woods yet, still floating and lethargic and no appetite, but she already looks better after just 12 hours and 1 dose of Kanaplex. Cross your fingers for this one!

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Meet Sassy! She was surrendered by her previous owner, and is dealing with some severe bloat. She won't be ready for adoption until she's feeling better.

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This sweet, happy, healthy girl was surrendered by a great owner due to life circumstances. Penny is ready to find her new forever home!

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Welcome Jelly! He was surrendered by a local pet store for illness/length of stay.

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Welcome Taro! He was surrendered by a local pet store for illness/length of stay.

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Welcome Fruit Punch! Named by my 3 year old, this beautiful boy was surrendered by someone who had him about a month. He was in mid-level ammonia water and is a bit bloated, so I'll be monitoring him for a few days, but so far so good. Let me know if you want to adopt Fruit Punch!

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This swee male koi plakat has beautiful red, white, and electric blue coloring. He is approx. 6-9 months old an din great health. He was surrendered by an owner moving, and was well cared for.

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Welcome Mango! He was surrendered by a local pet store for illness/length of stay.

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Welcome Ariel! She was surrendered by a local pet store for illness/length of stay.

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Welcome Aqua! She was surrendered by a local pet store for illness/length of stay.

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Welcome Skittles! He was surrendered by a local pet store for illness/length of stay.

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Welcome Lemon! He was surrendered by a local pet store for illness/length of stay.

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Welcome Charlie! He was surrendered by his owner who had him for 2 months, and so far he is in very good health with no signs of illness or injury. He'll be a great new fish friend for someone!

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Meet Mariposa! This sweet dumbo female was surrendered with Velvet and fin rot, but is making a copmlete recovery with a 2 week treatment of Seachem Polyguard. 
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Meet Midas! This gentle giant was surrendered with Fruit punch from someone who had him about a month. He has some minor nips/tears to his fins, but is otherwise healthy. I'll be monitoring him for a few days and then he'll be available for adoption!
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Welcome Storm! This beautiful young betta is some kind of mustard/copper/dragonscale beauty! He is healthy and well cared for, previous owner is moving out of state. He's young, still small, likely 6 months or younger. I feel like he'll get snatched up quickly, any takers?
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Meet Blue! This sweet big boy came to us with some fin rot and issues from high pH, but has been thriving with no medications since April 10th. He's ready for his new forever home! He's either royal blue/red or teal/pink/purple depending on the light.
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Meet Salem! This tiny baby is about 3 months old and will likely turn into a short-finned plakat with blues, reds, and metallics, possible dragonscale genes. Unsure at this point if it's male or female, but assume male is safest. Owner surrender due to change in life circumstances.
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This stunning male koi plakat is approx. 6-9 months old and in great health. He was surrendered by an owner moving, and was well cared for. His unique markings look like a tiger, thus his name sake!
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Meet Bitsy! This tiny baby is about 3 months old and as big as a finger tip. She was surrendered by an owner whose life circumstances changed. She will glow up into a beautiful light red/deep red betta.
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Meet Peaches! This male veiltail is sweet as a peach. I'm not sure yet if he'll end up yellow or orange, but he'll definitely have more black coming in, and right now he's the color of peach jam. He's clamped from being in cold water for too long, but will glow up beautiful with time.
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Fiero is a beautiful male dragonscale veiltail with amazing metallics that catch the light! I can't wait to see what his glow-up looks like, especially as his colors darken. He's clamped from being in a cold cup for too long (surrendered by a pet store for length of stay) but I am confident he'll glow up without needing medications.
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Meet Star! This adorable little female dumbo is cute as can be, with shades of periwinle and blue that will become more prominant as she glows up (this photo is from day 1 with our rescue). She was surrendered by a pet store for length of stay, but I am confident she will make a full recovery without medications. Friendly reminder I do not rehome females to sororities. 
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Meet Fiero! This super fiesty guy doesn't like to slow down for pictures so far, but he's got great energy. He's a blue and red/pink veiltail male with clamped fins due to being in a cold cup for too long (surrendered by a pet store for length of stay). I'm confident he'll glow up beautifully without medications.
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Bob came to us with some issues from being in water with too high of a pH, and fin rot. But he's a friendly spicy guy who loves when you talk to him! He should make a full recovery and then him, and his 5 gallon tank and supplies, will be available for free adoption!
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Midnight is a beautiful male mustard gas and was surrendered with Jolly Rancher with fin rot and early signs of a swim bladder infection. He had been in a community tank, which isn't appropriate for most bettas. His swim bladder infection has been treated and his fins have grown back fully and beautifully. This boy has been with us since December 21 and has had SIX adopters fall through, for no fault of his own.
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Simon is a beautiful male dragonscale crowntail who was in a cup at a pet store for over 3 months. He is in good health and just needs time in a warm, clean tank to glow-up! Approx. 9 months old.
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Billie is a beautiful male Dumbo butterfly betta who was in a cup at a pet store for over 3 months. He is in good health and just needs time in a warm, clean tank to glow-up! Approx. 9 months old.
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Thom is a beautiful blue and red Crowntail male with dragonscale metallics who was in a pet store cup for over 3 months. He is in good health and just needs time in a warm, clean tank to glow-up! Approx. 9 months old.
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Lawrence is a beautiful male copper dragonscale crowntail betta who was in a cup at a pet store for over 3 months. He is in good health and just needs time in a warm, clean tank to glow-up! Approx. 9 months old.
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Courtney is a beautiful female dragonscale mustard gas who was in a cup at a pet store for over 3 months. She is in good health and just needs time in a warm, clean tank to glow-up! Approx. 9 months old.
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Moonlight is a stunning dragon scale male who is about 1 year old. He was well cared for in a planted tank, but was surrendered due to his owner moving. He is in good health, is just recovering from a fin tear from transportation.
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She-ra was surrendered by someone who took very good care of her in a planted tank, but is moving. She-ra should be on her own as she was a bully in a sorority and in a community tank. She would do best in a 10 gallon tank since she is a short-finned strong swimmer!
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Dijon is a beautiful mustard gas who was surrendered after being in a cup for 3 months, and having fin rot. He responded to antibiotic treatment very well and is enjoying his forever home in a planted tank!
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Pebbles was surrendered by a pet store because he had a swim bladder infection and had been in his cup for almost 3 months. He ended up not needing antibiotics at all and his SBI reversed itself after a few days in warm clean water!
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Galaxy was surrendered by a pet store after being in a cup for over 3 months. He is thriving in his new planted tank!
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Monarch was surrendered after being in a pet store cup for over 3 months. He is responding well to treatment and in good health!
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Welcome Cobalt! This beautiful blue orchid (possible veiltail genes?) male is about 1 year old and is recovering beautifully from fin rot and a swim bladder infection due to being in an inappropriate environment for 6 months. He's spicy but curious!
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Flare was surrendered from a pet store after arriving with unilateral gill hyperplasia. He is being treated with API General Cure and then will go to his forever home!
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Meet Dragon! This tiny little orchid male is very stressed and is being monitored to make sure he can bounce back with warm clean water and space to swim, though he may need treatment for fin rot. He was in a cup since 10/12, surrendered on 12/27. Added a picture of how he might glow up to our Facebook page, like a rescue of ours from earlier this year that's thriving in his new home!
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Welcome Comet! He's giving copper mustard gas, he's giving oil slick, he's giving chameleon vibes. This stunning boy is about 1 year old and is recovering quickly from a swim bladder infection from being in an inappropriate tank for 6 months. Hes still a little unsure about his temporary home, but is sweet and curious. I promise on my life these photos were taken within the same 5 mins of the same fish!
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Finally, last but not least, our 4th intake from 12/27, Cosmo. You can't tell but this beauty will be a stunning blue dumbo male when he glows up. His gills are red and inflamed and his fins are clamped so I'll be treating with API Fin and Body Cure. His glow up, like Dragons, will be dramatic! 

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Quinn was surrendered by her previous owner with some ammonia burns, but otherwise in good health, and appears to still be on the young/small side. Quinn is very friendly and active and is available for adoption now! She has a lot of beautiful colors and metallics, especially for a female.
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Jolly rancher is  a beautiful male veiltail with stunning aqua coloring and unique yellow ventral fins. He was surrendered in good health and hasn't need medical treatment. After a couple of days he came out of his shell and is now very personable and friendly, always swimming to the front of the tank to interact.
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Meet Clara! This sweet pink dumbo female was stuck in a cup since 8/24 😥. She's little and has a lot glowing up to do but doesn't seem to need meds. Kudos to the pet store who surrendered her on 12/27 for keeping her cup water clean for so long! She didn't know what to do with so much space to swim at first, but she caught on quick. 
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Cardinal was surrendered from a pet store for fin rot just one day after he arrived in a shipment from overseas. He is marked as a halfmoon but looks more like a crowntail due to the rot. Time will tell if he's a halfmoon or something else like perhaps a Suntail. While it will take months for his fins to grow back fully, even just 2 days into a treatment of API Erythromycin, he is looking so much better and is even showing signs of new transparent fin growth! Cardinal is very sweet and friendly and in need of a forever home once he is done with treatment!
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Liberty is a beautiful twintail male betta with red white and blue coloring that will come in a lot more as he glows up! He was surrendered to us from a pet store as he was showing signs of a swim bladder infection and fin rot, both from being in a cup for too long with poor water quality. 

*While Liberty has successfully recovered from the swim bladder infection and has re-grown his fins, he does have a permanently bent spine and thus is not a very strong swimmer. He still gets around just fine, but will need some extra care for the remainder of his life. Contact for details on what this entails.
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"Fish" is a healthy king koi betta. He was surrendered along with his beautifully planted 10 gallon tank with 3 mystery snails after the original owner could no longer care for him. Fish (who will get a proper name soon) and his entire setup are being adopted by the person who also previously adopted Miracle.
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Kraken was surrendered to us from a local pet store who called asking for help as he lost most of his tail due either to fin rot, injury, or a combination. We do see signs of new fin growth, and are supporting him with a round of API Fin and Body Cure to ensure no bacterial infection remains. He is friendly and a great swimmer and developing more colors by the minute!
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Casper is a super cute little baby betta, still very small! He's a red and white dragonscale plakat and other than being tiny, he's in great health! He was well cared for by his previous owner for approximately 4 months until he needed to be rehomed due to life circumstances.
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Big Betty is a fiesty and confident red crowntail female! She was in a community tank without any social issues, though she is egg bound. We are fasting her and performing daily salt baths and have increasing her water temperature to try to resolve this, and then she will be ready for her forever home! 

Whoa Big Betty (Bam-ba-lam)
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Diablo and Demon were surrendered by their loving previous owner, who saved them from their fate as wildly inappropriate school carnival prizes. Unfortunately due to life circumstances, she's no longer able to care for them. We will be monitoring them for at least 1 week for any signs of illness or stress, but so far they are both in good shape, Diablo just has a few fin tears/nips to heal from plastic plants in his old tank, and Demon has a little bloat that needs to resolve. These boys will be available for adoption after 10/18!

Diablo is by far the spiciest betta we've ever seen - he flares at EVERYTHING all the time. We're hoping this guy will calm down once he settles in, but he will certainly be happiest alone (as are most bettas). I'm not sure I'd even trust this guy with a snail.

Please spread the word - live animals aren't prizes!
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Meet Fury! This beautiful big dragonscale with the awesome namesake eyepatch marking was surrendered to us last Thursday. He has some tattered fins, but overall is in good health and isn't requiring medication at this time. He's very friendly and loves to be talked to! The metallics in his fins should come in more and more too now that he's with us and out of his previous 2.5 gallon tank.
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Meet Finley! This beautiful crowntail was surrendered to us by a loving owner who is moving out of country. He has been well cared for and is in good health! Once adopted, he will come with many supplies including a temporary or hospital tank, a heater, HOB filter, some substrate, food, water siphon, decor, thermometer, and more!
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Welcome Yellowstone! This poor guy was in high ammonia water and has fin rot, but less than 24 hours in warm clean water and he's swimming around well, is quite goofy, and rushes to the front of the tank if you talk to him. He does the cutest dance if he thinks you have food. I've never seen this yellow and aqua color combination, and he will be even more stunning when he's feeling better! Yellowstone is receiving a 7 day treatment of Erythromycin to clear up his fin rot, after which he just needs a forever home and time to glow up.
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Finn is a stunning male mustard gas betta with a marble gene, meaning he has drastically changed color, and will continue to change colors throughout his life. Finn was surrendered by an owner who took very good care of him, but could no longer keep him due to life circumstances. While we will quarantine and monitor him to be safe, he doesn't seem to have any health issues and is very curious and energetic.
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Welcome Karma! This stunning koi betta with intense white eyes came to us over the weekend in good health. We've monitored and Karma is swimming well, curious, friendly, will swim up if you tap on the glass but does NOT like bright lights. This is a showstopper of a betta, too bad we're out of space for our own tanks! 😉
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Fanta is a very young and small but SUPER cool orange crowntail male betta! We rescued him from a cup due to his size and length of stay. He is a little shy at the moment, but is loving exploring his new temporary tank, and is very curious about everything in it. Thankfully Fanta isn't showing any signs of illness or injury, and he's still young, so we're happy to send him to his forever home as soon as one is available!
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Sunny came to us from a small tank with lethal ammonia levels, 4ppm (the only safe level of ammonia is 0ppm). She is a glo betta, which were discontinued at the beginning of 2023, so she was likely in those conditions for a long time. Despite this, she seems curious, friendly, and has the cutest face. She is going through a treatment of API Fin and Body Cure, which is helpful for internal organ damage from ammonia poisoning. Sunny won't be available for adoption until we're sure she's feeling better and has received all necessary medication.

Due to the risk of Sunny being illegally bred, or added to a sorority where she would be a target for her color, and also due to the fact that she's likely already 2 years old, glo bettas have known health issues and shorter life spans, and she could have long-term organ and brain damage from the ammonia she is in, we have decided to make her a permanent resident with us for the remainder of her life. 


Miko is a stunning male halfmoon betta with beautiful blue, aqua, and maroon/pink coloring. His fin rot was treated with API Fin and Body Cure, and he has had beautiful fin growth and re-coloring in the month since he's been with us. His fins will always look "tattered" on the ends, however, as he is a Suntail betta, which is a cross-breed of a halfmoon and crowntail, causing this unique fin-tip look.
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Darth Mahl was surrendered to us from a pet store where he was floating on his side and not using his gills to breathe due to a swim bladder infection, and also had the start of fin rot. We immediately started treating him with Maracyn Two, and even two days into treatment he was swimming normally again and starting to eat. He has made a full recovery in the month since he's been with us, and is having a stunning glow-up!
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Named after the Bourbon Rose, Bourbon is a stunning male dumbo ear betta with long flowing fins! We took him in due to length of stay in a pet store cup where he was laying on the bottom. To our delight, as soon as he was in a warm clean tank he perked up 100%! Bourbon shows no signs of illness or injury and is extremely friendly and curious, and swims to the front of the tank as soon as he hears your voice. He already knows he's safe, and he's one of my personal dream bettas. Whoever adopts Bourbon is lucky! 
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Meet Creamsicle! He was an intake from a pet store for length of stay, and he was starting to look bloated and have some fin deterioration and clamping. I will be monitoring him before determine if he needs medical support, but he may be able to recover with warm clean water in a 5 gallon hospital tank. 
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Tiberon was surrendered to us for length of stay, almost 3 months in a cup poor guy. He's a stunning multi-colored Plakat/Wild betta hybrid. He wasn't using his gills will the first day in his tank, but after a couple of days in warm clean water, he has since start swimming better, building muscles, using his gills, and flaring. 
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Chelsea and Stacie were purchased by someone with no betta experience, along with a male betta, and they were ALL put in a 5G tank together. Obviously fighting ensued, and the previous owner was going to flush the two females. A kind co-worker stepped in and took the girls home in a plastic cup, and then found me! Stacie is still small and young and will glow-up more with time, but so far she's showing some beautiful blue and purple patterns, with reddish eyes.
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Chelsea and Stacie were purchased by someone with no betta experience, along with a male betta, and they were ALL put in a 5G tank together. Obviously fighting ensued, and the previous owner was going to flush the two females. A kind co-worker stepped in and took the girls home in a plastic cup, and then found me! Chelsea is a white female and is still a very tiny baby, so she may gain more colors like pink over time. She's curious and a little shy so far!
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This sweet shy boy was taken very well care of a fellow rescuer who is moving to a different state. He did have some swim bladder and fin rot issues, but he was very well treated by his former rescuer and now his fins are re-growing. I was temped to name him Darth Mahl given his unique red and black looks! I believe he is a male halfmoon, and will glow up nicely.
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Patricia came to us from a failed sorority. She was getting beat up by the other females, and she was also attacking guppies in the tank. When she's by herself she's a sweet spicy girl! You can tell she will glow up with tons of blue and pink/purple/red once she's not stressed. She has some fin re-growth to do after being nipped, but shows no signs of fin rot or other sickness.
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Skipper also came from a failed sorority, and I don't know if I've ever seen so many colors in one betta! She looks like a mermaid. She is also healthy, just doing a little fin re-growth from being nipped by other females. This girl would be a beautiful addition to a solo tank with appropriate tank mates like snails.
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Barbie comes from a failed sorority and is a stunning and rare purple female betta! She's a lucky girl, being claimed to go to a new home before I even had time to list her since I knew a wonderful adopted looking for a purple betta!
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Miracle was surrendered from a cup in a pet store as he was bloated and floating on his side. Thankfully it turned out to be swim bladder disease, and not dropsy, and he responded extremely well to a treatment of Maracyn Two, clean water, a large warm tank, and high quality food. He is now thriving and doing so well! 

Miracle is a stunning and somewhat rare black orchid male, which deep blues in his body and very unique patterns in his fins. He's a looker for sure! 
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This poor male mustard gas was kept in a female sorority (which failed...per usual) since the original owner thought he was female (young males can have short fins that take time to grow out once they're in an appropriate healthy tank)! He was getting beat up by the females. He's a lucky boy to be going to a good home in his own live planted tank before I even had time to post him since I knew someone looking for a mustard gas.
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Storm was only in a cup at a pet store for about a week, but he was spending a lot of time floating at the top. We took him home and are giving him medication to help him bounce back. We have no doubt he will as he is extremely spicy and high energy! Lots of spirit in this little fish.

Storm is a male veiltail betta, and while he looks white, he also has hints of many colors in his tail including yellow, green, and blue, which will become more pronounced as he glows up.
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Meet Knight! He's been stuck in a pet store cup since March 😢. He's a stunning male black orchid betta, likely a suntail or crowntail but time will tell. He also changes color in the light! Sometimes he's a black and copper color, and then in brighter light he's a deep blue. His rear fin has colors like an oil slick. This is one super cool looking betta. He's in good health so we aren't treating him with medication at this time, but will be monitoring him and making sure an appropriate tank setup helps him thrive. Whoever adopts this guy is super lucky!
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Meet Blaze! We were getting some intakes and just couldn't let this beauty stay in his cup a moment longer as he's been there since May. Listed as a Male Dragonscale, Blaze has amazing blue and green fluorescence on his body, and his reds and pinks will come in even more as he glows up in an appropriate tank setting. He's in good health so we won't be treating him medically, just monitoring him in quarantine. So far Blaze is curious and friendly and happy to he stretching his fins. He's still young and will continue to grow. 

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Dragon was given as a graduation gift and isn't a realistic pet for his current owner's dorm. Unfortunately, the people who purchase him and received him knew nothing about betta fish. He has been in a 1 gallon bowl  for at least 1 month with 0 water changes, water conditioner, filter, or heater. His water smelled like sewage (I gagged 100x cleaning his bowl out), and he officially had the highest ammonia level I have ever seen (maxed out at 8ppm, as high as the test goes).

Thankfully, other than a little bit of early-stages fin rot and probably internal gill damage from the ammonia levels, he is in good shape. He's very spirited and a VERY fast swimmer. I am treating him with a 7-day protocol of API Fin and Body Cure and then he'll be ready to go to his new forever home.

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Animals aren't gifts unless the person receiving them wants the pet and is fully prepared to care for them!


Meet Bluey and Bingo! These 2 females were rescued from a failed sorority. They are both bloated and overweight from severe over feeding, but neither of them are showing symptoms of dropsy or swim bladder disease. Other than needing to go on an appropriate high fiber diet (live or frozen brine shrimp or daphnia), they are in good health , very energetic, and strong swimmers. 

Bluey is a blue and black Crown tail female Betta. She is very fast and also friendly, but she was the main aggressor in the sorority. That said, I am told she was peaceful with non Beta tank mates. 

Reminder that sororities almost always fail suddenly after 3-6 months. Visit our home page to learn more about sororities. I will not rehome any of my rescues to another sorority.
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Meet Bluey and Bingo! These 2 females were rescued from a failed sorority. They are both bloated and overweight from severe over feeding, but neither of them are showing symptoms of dropsy or swim bladder disease. Other than needing to go on an appropriate high fiber diet (live or frozen brine shrimp or daphnia), they are in good health , very energetic, and strong swimmers. 

Bingo is a king female beta, she is very large for a female. Her red color is faded from stress, but already starting to come back in, and she has cute red lips. She is very friendly and was peaceful with tank mates in her previous tank.

Reminder that sororities almost always fail suddenly after 3-6 months. Visit our home page to learn more about sororities. I will not rehome any of my rescues to another sorority.
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Magma was in a cup at a pet store for 4 months and has some early signs of fin rot, so we picked him up and are rehabilitating him! Thankfully this pet store does a pretty fine job of maintaining his cup water and he only had 0.25ppm ammonia, so he should glow up pretty quickly. Magma is very happy to be out of the cup and is happily exploring his hospital tank. He's a male halfmoon and will glow up with amazing red, pink, and blue colors. 


Neptune was given as a graduation gift and isn't a realistic pet for his current owner's dorm. Unfortunately, the people who purchase him and received him knew nothing about betta fish. He has been in a 1 gallon bowl for at least 1 month with 0 water changes, water conditioner, filter, or heater. His water smelled like sewage (I gagged 100x cleaning his bowl out), and he officially had the highest ammonia level I have ever seen (maxed out at 8ppm, as high as the test goes). Thankfully, other than probable internal gill damage from the ammonia levels, he is in good shape. He's very friendly and was kind enough to pose for some easy pics! I am treating him with a 7-day protocol of API Fin and Body Cure and then he'll be ready to go to his new forever home.

Animals aren't gifts unless the person receiving them wants the pet and is fully prepared to care for them!


We got Harry, a male Plakat betta, on the same day we got Ron. He was also kept in a cup in the back where he was being "treated" for fin rot (with the wrong medication). Fin rot is an avoidable and treatable condition. Once the rot has stopped, it takes a betta 3-4 weeks on average to re-grow their fins. While some permanent damage is possible, most make a beautiful and full recovery.

A sick fish simply cannot be treated in a tiny cold cup full of lethal ammonia levels. When Harry came to our care we put him in a tank with clean water, a heater, an air stone, and gave him a 7-day treatment of API Fin and Body Cure to stop the rot. Even after just 7 days he looks like a totally different fish. We can't wait to see Harry continue to glow-up and re-grow his fins in the comfort of his new forever home!


Ron was surrendered to us from a pet store. He was kept in a cup in the back where he was being "treated" for fin rot (with the wrong medication). I was told his fins would never grow back, but that's not true! Fin rot is an avoidable and treatable condition. Once the rot has stopped, it takes a betta 3-4 weeks on average to re-grow their fins. While some permanent damage is possible, most make a beautiful and full recovery. Besides, animals are not decorations and I know I wouldn't want to be passed up just because I'm having a hard time with my fins!

A sick fish simply cannot be treated in a tiny cold cup full of lethal ammonia levels. When Ron came to our care we put him in a tank with clean water, a heater, an air stone, and gave him a 7-day treatment of API Fin and Body Cure to stop the rot. Even after just 7 days he looked like a totally different fish. We're so happy Ron can continue to re-grow his fins from the comfort of his new home!


Neo came to us after living for 6+ months in an un-cycled, un-heated, and un-filtered flower vase. He never had a name, and was threatened to be "flushed" if we didn't pay $10 for him and pick him up that night. So we did. His water tested with sky high ammonia, but despite this, he was in pretty good shape.

Neo was bloated from over-feeding, had some gill damage from ammonia poisoning, and had clamped fins from the cold dirty water. A 7-day protocol of API Fin and Body Cure and a warm clean tank and he was a new fish! We're so happy he found his forever home.


Morpheus came to us after living for 6+ months in an un-cycled, un-heated, and un-filtered flower vase. He never had a name, and was threatened to be "flushed" if we didn't pay $10 for him and pick him up that night. So we did. His water tested with sky high ammonia, but despite this, he was in pretty good shape.

Morpheus was bloated from over-feeding, had some gill damage from ammonia poisoning, and had clamped fins from the cold dirty water. A 7-day protocol of API Fin and Body Cure and a warm clean tank and he was a new fish! We're so happy he found his forever home.


Agent Smith came to us after living for 6+ months in an un-cycled, un-heated, and un-filtered flower vase. He never had a name, and was threatened to be "flushed" if we didn't pay $10 for him and pick him up that night. So we did. His water tested with sky high ammonia, but despite this, he was in pretty good shape.

Agent Smith was bloated from over-feeding and had some pineconing, had some gill damage from ammonia poisoning, and had clamped fins from the cold dirty water. A 7-day protocol of API Fin and Body Cure and a warm clean tank and he was a new fish! We're so happy he found his forever home.


Ginny is a koi betta that was surrendered to us from a local pet store. She was kept in the back un-treated because she had a curved spine (from ammonia poisoning) and wasn't a strong swimmer. She has the most beautiful eyes so we didn't give up on her!

We weren't sure if she'd recover and be able to swim, but with some time, warm clean water, and API Fin and Body Cure, her spine started straightening out and she started swimming better! She's still not the strongest swimmer, but she gets around just fine and is a very friendly and silly girl who loves to play in her air stone bubbles. We're so happy she found her forever home!


Hermione is a koi betta that was surrendered to us from a local pet store. She was kept in the back un-treated because she was struggling to swim. She's also very small and young. She has the cutest red lipstick lips.

All she needed was warm clean water, API Fin and Body Cure, Maracyn Two, and frozen Mysis shrimp to start growing and swimming, and now she's doing just fine. We're so happy she found her forever home!



Joker came to us with dropsy and columnaris, two of the fastest and deadliest betta diseases, and was already pineconing, a bad sign. Despite our best efforts to treat him medically with Maracyn Two, a very powerful treatment for these issues, he passed away within 48 hours of his arrival. Swim in peace Joker.


Nero unfortunately passed away. His original owners abandoned him in an apartment when they moved, and he was passed around a few times in his life. He was likely an older betta, but also had difficulty breathing using his gills so spent most of his time surface breathing, which wasn't sustainable. Despite our best efforts to treat him medically with both Maracyn Two and Erythromycin separately, he passed away. Swim in peace Nero.


Aster (named after a purple flower and the Greek word for "star") was a "Dumbo" or "Elephant Ear" male betta, with rare and beautiful purple and periwinkle blue colors. He was one of my all time favorite rescues. He came to us with popeye and cloudy eye, but was otherwise energetic, friendly, and in great health. He was in the middle of medical treatment for his eye when he passed away very suddenly. One hour he was swimming around perfectly healthy, and a few hours later he was gone. Upon post-mortem inspection, I found what looked like the start of Columnaris in a hard to see and unconventional spot, so unfortunately I couldn't have seen it unless he was on his back. Columnaris can kill a fish in less than 48 hours. Swim in peace Aster.


Drax came to us with clamped fins, and shortly showed signs of a swim bladder infection. We treated him with a round of Maracyn Two which helped, until treatment ended and he started showing signs of a secondary fungal infection and possible rectal prolapse, which is deadly as it made it impossible for him to poop, or eat. Despite administering Kanaplex following Maracyn Two, he passed away. Swim in peace Drax.


Swim in peace Melon. Melon was a very sick fish. I have only seen a fish in 8ppm ammonia a couple of times. This is as high as the API Master Test Kit goes, and most fish can only survive a few hours in this level of ammonia. Melon broke this record in the worst way possible. His ammonia was well beyond 8ppm, turning a deep aqua that doesn't even have a reading on the test kit. This is over 8 times the legal limit for ammonia levels in human drinking water. And he's breathing it in. This is an example of why weekly water changes, especially in an un-cycled tank, are SO incredibly important. With these levels of ammonia, he has massive internal organ damage, ammonia burns, gill burns, and is pineconing along his entire body, a sign of Dropsy, which is commonly developed from ammonia exposure. Dropsy is 90% fatal. We immediately started him on a round of Maracyn Two, followed by a second round when he unfortunately passed away. 


Venom came into our care small and young but in good health. Within 24 hours we noticed signs of a swim bladder infection, which I also suspect may have been a side effect of an internal parasite. Loss of appetite, wasting, laying on his side on the bottom, unable to swim up. We immediately started him on a protocol of Maracyn Two and put him in a breeder box near the water surface so he could get surface air. Unfortunately after only 5 days in our care Venom passed away over night. Swim in peace.


Demon was surrendered by their previous owner, who saved them from their fate as wildly inappropriate school carnival prizes. He was kept in a 1 gallon bowl for 8 months before we received him. While we treated him for some minor fin rot, unfortunately a secondary bacterial infection leading to dropsy with full pineconing popped up unexpectedly. Unfortunately, demon could not recover and was suffering, so we made the difficult decision to euthanize him. We used clove oil and sang him to sleep before he passed. He is planted in our flower garden with the other fish we've lost. Swim in peace Demon.

Please spread the word - live animals aren't prizes! 


Gamma was a king koi male betta who unfortunately spent a year in a 3 gallon tank when King's need 10 gallons minimum. Due to poor water parameters and water temperature he developed dropsy, an often fatal bacterial infection. He was severely bloated and pineconing and had been sick for weeks prior to being surrendered. Unfortunately Gamma passed away while in our care. We did everything we could. Swim in peace Gamma.


Junie spent 3 months in a cup at a pet store before being surrendered to our care. Despite our best efforts, Junie didn't make it. She was very small and had ammonia burns to her gills. While she was active and a strong swimmer with a lot of spirit, she passed away unexpectedly overnight a few days after intake. The fish who pass unexpectedly like this always hit the hardest. Swim in peace Junie. We're glad you got to swim in warm clean water before your end. 


Unfortunately Martin failed to thrive despite our best efforts. Swim in peace Martin.

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